Our Mission
SMCO strives to put our love and faith into action by serving those in need with help of food and clothing regardless of religion affiliation, race or creed. We are the Hands & Feet of Christ, the Servant and welcome everyone in the community to join us in this effort.

It is OUR VISION to come together with churches, agencies, and members within the Communities of High Springs, Alachua, Newberry, Fort White, LaCrosse, Alachua & Gilchrist County in a community-wide ministry. Our goal is that this synergy of community and action will offer to those in need long-term permanent solutions by not only supplying the fish; but, the tools to fish as well.
We have yearly food, paper good, toiletry & cleaning product drives sponsored by local clubs, organizations, churches, and members of the community. It is also possible to sponsor a drive on behalf or in remembrance of a loved one. We can post your drive information including drop-off locations.
For more information on starting a collection drive to be the Hands & Feet of Christ helping those in need please call Belle Diefenderfer @ 386.454.1000 or email: smco@windstream.net.